Did your brain just run a marathon?

Have you ever thought about how we are kind to our bodies after putting them through rigorous physical activity? If we engage in a difficult work-out, we make sure to hydrate, recharge with good nutrition, and rest, so our bodies can recover.
What if we did the same thing after a rigorous brain session?
Unfortunately we don’t often think about the toll that high cognitive demands take on our brain and bodies! And we often do not recognize that we need to create space and time to allow our brains to recharge. Of course hydration, good nutrition, and rest are all important for brain function. But in order to recharge after a demanding cognitive day, we can be more intentional about helping our brains recover.
ADHD brains are often working very fast, synthesizing a lot of information, and this can be exhausting! Times of hyperfocus can use up a lot of energy, and you may feel depleted following.
Here are a few suggestions to help your brain recharge:
- Recognize that you are feeling mentally depleted and give yourself permission to rest. Perhaps you need to focus on less cognitive demanding tasks the day after a rigorous brain day! If you ran a marathon, you likely wouldn’t plan to go for a run the next day! Give yourself the same compassion for demanding brain days.
- Engage in mindfulness moments to allow your brain to rest/recharge. Mindfulness is the act of being present in the current moment without judgement. Try resting your brain while walking in nature, meditating or listening to some calming music.
- Consider the sensory input that is overwhelming for your brain and calming for your brain. Perhaps a day with decreased lighting/low sounds will be helpful to recharge. Consider spending some time under a weighted blanket, swinging in a hammock, or smelling your favourite aromatherapy scent.
We hope you can try some of these suggestions, and have a restful brain day today!