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Why choose an Occupational Therapist (OT) over a coach?

occupational therapy

So you have a diagnosis of ADHD and you may be wondering where do I go from here? You would like some support so you can live your best life, but who is the best person to help? 

At Level Up ADHD we are a partnership of 2 healthcare professionals: A physician and an OT (and we happen to be sisters and have a passion for ADHD!) We are here to support you from the moment of diagnosis, and work with you until you have met your goals and find more ease in your life, learning to live and thrive with the brain you have!

Many people have not worked with an OT in the past and wonder why you would choose an OT vs a coach. We hope we can answer this question and help you make the best choice for what works for you! 

Our OTs will help you Level Up your skills because: 

We love working with people with neurodivergent brains and have a lot of knowledge to share!

  • We have a background in neurology and understand how ADHD affects your brain.

  • We are trained in cognitive behavioural approaches such as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and will teach strategies to help you change the lens you look through.

  • We are experts in adapting environments so they work for you.

  • We are experts at breaking down tasks to understand where the difficulty lies and creating strategies to overcome these challenges.

  • We are trained in goal-setting strategies (and techniques to follow through) to help you create and master your goals.

  • We are experts in teaching executive functioning skills and have an abundance of functional strategies that you can implement each week to level up your life. 

  • We understand how sensory processing can impact your life and have strategies and accommodations to help in these areas. 

  • We look at the whole person, not just the areas where you may be having difficulty. We are interested in working on the goals that are important to you. 

We hope you will choose to work with us at Level Up ADHD so we can help you achieve your goals and Level Up in your life. You can work with an OT at Level Up ADHD by signing up for our next virtual course Level Up Your ADHD Game or you can work 1:1 with our OT. Learn more >

Written by: Aisling Nebor, OT


“ADHD doesn’t mean you can’t succeed. It means you may need a different path to get there.”
- Unknown

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